Sunday, November 8, 2009

WattDepot CLI review: 8 eyes are better than 4

After completing the initial stage of the WattDepot Cli, which I talked about in my previous post, my peers in my software engineering class are having a code review. 4 other people in the class are reviewing the eono branch which Scott and I worked on, and I am reviewing two other groups projects, elima and eiwa.

John Mack and Anthony Xu were in the elima group. One of the major problems I found in the project was that some of the methods were not finished such as "list summary {source}" or the WattDepotCliProcessor didn't have a condition that checked for it and thus didn't recognize it as a command such as "list power [generated|consumed] {source} timestamp {timestamp}". I think if they had a little more time (which we are going to get for version 2.0) the project would be more complete. There was also little testing, but then again I think the focus was more on finishing the commands that they didn't get to work on testing. The commands that did work, worked well and they did a good job of catching exceptions in their methods.

Nathaniel Ashe and David Mau were in the Eiwa group. The main problem I encountered in the project was that the way the user enters information at the command line was different than all of the other projects I've seen, including Scott and my project. Instead of having all the information on one line such as "list power generated SIM_WAIAU_8 timestamp 2009-11-15T12:13:00.000-10:00" the user would enter a "list power generated" and the program would prompt the user for the rest of the necessary information, such as source and timestamp. Although at first it seemed like it would help the user so that they could easily enter the information that was needed, it actually slowed the process down. It is a lot faster to just type in one line versus waiting for a prompt for each individual piece of information. This also slowed down testing. Some of the prompts also were not clear at times as to what it wanted.
Besides this difficulty the project had a lot of testing and checks for errors such as a bad timestamp. There were jUnit tests for a lot of the methods.

These reviews were based on a checklist and I have included the detailed reviews:


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