Monday, November 16, 2009

The second round: WattDepot CLI 2.0

WattDepot CLI 2.0
WattDepot cli v2.0 has an updated WattDepot library and supports the new version 2.0 command line interface, which includes three new commands and makes small changes to the previous commands ("list sources" is now just "sources", etc.).

Eono 2.0
This second version allowed us to improve our old code by changing the organization of the system to include an interface. We also simplified old methods and added tests to the majority of the system. To my knowledge I think we satisfied all the requirements and took care of almost all of the issues raised by the reviewers. A lot of time was put into this project as well as careful attention to detail. There is a suite of high quality tests included in which the coverage can be seen in the Emma coverage report(class 100%, method 99%, block 84%, line 82%).

Eono Group

Scott Wong and I were on the Eono team and we met when we were free. This ended up resulting in meetings a couple of times a week (3-5) for 3-6 hours in duration. We split up the work pretty evenly and for most tasks, such as the 10 original commands that were implemented, we just divided the work in half and were responsible for our share. Although we divided up the work, we regularly helped each other out when someone was having problems and volunteered to do certain tasks willingly. I think we both carried our own weight and put a lot of effort into this project.

Software ICU
The software ICU is used to monitor "vital" signs to ensure a "healthy" project. This includes work being done consistently, equally, commited consistantly, of high quality, etc. I forgot to attach some of the sensors which is why the Test jumps from 1 to 40 (I also forgot to commit some of the tests until the end). From the software ICU it seems as if the project is more healthy than unhealthy but there are some values in the red.


What day and time during the month was Oahu energy usage at its highest? How many MW was this?
2009-11-02T19:00:00.000-10:00 : 9.835E8
(found by looping through all dates from 11/01-11/15 1 hr at a time at 30 min intervals, used holders to keep the largest value)

What day and time during the month was Oahu energy usage at its lowest? How many MW was this?
2009-11-02T04:00:00.000-10:00 : 4.97E8
(found by looping through all dates from 11/01-11/15 1 hr at a time at 30 min intervals, used holders to keep the lowest value)

What day during the month did Oahu consume the most energy? How many MWh was this?
highest: 2009-11-02 (monday) : 14764.0 MWh
(calculated the energyGenerated by the Oahu_Grid each day and found the day with the greatest energy)

What day during the month did Oahu consume the least energy? How many MWh was this?
lowest: 2009-11-07 (saturday) : 14089.0 MWh
(calculated the energyGenerated by the Oahu_Grid each day and found the day with the lowest energy)

What day during the month did Oahu emit the most carbon (i.e. the "dirtiest" day)? How many lbs of carbon were emitted?
highest: 2009-11-04 (wednesday) : 2.9959472E7 lbs
(calculated the carbonGenerated by the Oahu_Grid each day and found the day with the highest carbon emitted)

What day during the month did Oahu emit the least carbon (i.e. the "cleanest" day)? How many lbs of carbon were emitted?
lowest: 2009-11-07 (saturday) : 2.2908808E7 lbs
(calculated the carbonGenerated by the Oahu_Grid each day and found the day with the lowest carbon emitted)

Download: WattDepot-Cli-eono-2.0.1116


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