Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wattdepot-cli: eono

For the past week I have been working on a WattDepot CLI which "provides a simple command line interface for obtaining information from a WattDepot service". WattDepot collects electricity data from meters and stores it in its database.

I worked on this project with Scott Wong and I think we worked well as a team. There were 10 commands that we had to incorporate into the CLI so we split them up evenly. However, even though we had different tasks we still collaborated on our works and helped each other out.

This project gave me a lot of practice programming and has gotten me back into my programming mode. Many hours were put into this project, sometimes more than 6 hours straight. There were some set backs in the end when I had problems importing the project from subversion into my eclipse workspace. It would not recognize some methods for the WattDepotClient and reported errors. However if I copied just the source files into an older project it would run fine. I had to result in sending my changes to my partner to commit it to subversion and I am still working on how to fix this problem. Because of this experience I have a greater appreciation for continuous integration and version control.

Overall I think we finished the task of creating the commands for the CLI. I don't think we will ever really be "finished" with the project in the sense that there is always something more you can do to improve. I do however wish we could have tested the system more, but we ran out of time.

Download: WattDepotCli-eono


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