Monday, November 16, 2009

Review x 2

Reviewing other systems
After reviewing eiwa and elima's systems I got to see a different perspective on the project. I realized how different projects can turn out even when given the same requirements. From eiwa's system I saw how they broke down each piece of information from the user's input instead of having the user type in one long string with all of the information. I was also unsure of exactly how to structure the system and incorporate an interface. I got general ideas of how other teams organized their project through the reviews.

Getting my system reviewed
Not only did I get to see the different perspectives on how other people implemented their systems, but I also got different perspectives on how to improve my system. When you program you have one state of mind which makes it hard to spot problems in your code. There where a lot of small things that I did not think about that I would not have caught if not for the review such as a timestamp referring to a future date. Overall I had a good experience with the reviews.


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