Sunday, November 22, 2009


After creating the WattDepot command-line interface, I have begun a web application modeled after ecotricity. The desired outcome would be a system that shows for every hour of a chosen day, the carbon content and the carbon intensity of the Oahu Grid.

I was on the GreenSmart team which consisted of myself, Scott Wong, John Mack, and Anthony Xu. I had no problems working with my team and we each contributed to the project.

Getting the data and creating the methods to calculate the results was the easy part. We had already worked on similar methods in the WattDepot-CLI. Although it we had already had some practice with the WattDepot-CLI it was not without effort.

The software ICU, which was discussed in previous posts, was also used again and is shown at the top of this post. We had some initial problems setting up the software ICU, we forgot to modify one portion of one of the xml files, so we missed some data for the first couple of days. From this image you can see that some parts of the project did not go as smoothly as planned. We did not write as much tests as we should have, although we may have not set up the sensors correctly because I wrote tests for all of the methods I wrote for the carbon content calculations but it only reported 1 unit test.

The hardest part of the project was integration. We each worked on separate parts of the system; the design of the page, getting the user's input, calculating the output, and displaying the output. In theory all of our parts seemed correct but when we tried to incorporate the parts together we had some difficulties. For me, the hardest part was understanding wicket. I started read "Wicket in Action" and looked at some articles online about wicket but I am definitely still in the learning phase.

GreenSmart: homepage
GreenSmart: download


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