Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kukui Cup: Competition Design

It is a new semester and I am now in Software Engineering II. We are working on a new project called the Kukui Cup where students from different dorms at the University of Hawaii at Manoa will compete in an energy competition. My group consists of myself, Scott Wong, Anthony Xu, John Mack, Wing Ma, and Shanah Trevennah. We are responsible from the design of the competition and will be using Balsamiq to create a mock up of the website.

Here is a list of tasks that I think need to be done for the design of the competition:
1) Research:
  • Research other dorm energy competitions to see what worked and what did not work
  • Research behavioral change methods to see how effectively apply behavioral changes in peoples lives
2a) Content:
  • Come up with ways of increasing energy awareness and increasing the knowledge of the participants on energy usage (how to deliver the information)
  • Think of ways to use personal commitments as a means of reducing energy consumption
  • Use social norms to encourage participation in the competition through social network sites such as Facebook or Twitter
2b) Competition:
  • Create a list of rules that participants must follow during the competition
  • Create a point based system on how the competition can be won
  • Come up with a list of possible prizes as a reward for the winners of the competition
3) Website (layout/structure):
  • Use Balsamiq to create a mock up of the website to include the content we have chosen
We will be meeting soon to assign the tasks and come up with a game plan.
Link: UH dorm energy competition project site

1 comment:

  1. I like competition idea. Looking forward to see what the team comes up with!
