Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A good host offers you food from their own fridge: Robocode Hosting

Robocode Google Project Hosting: robocode-kks-counterall
Discussion Group: robocode-kks-counterall-discuss

As I continue working on my Robocode project from my previous posts I have encountered a problem. Peers are one of your best sources for help and improvement on a project. However, reviewing someone elses code that is constantly being changed can be a hassle. I have had times when I download a project from my peer's blog I am unable to run it and have to wait for them to fix whatever they need to fix and upload the file back to their blog.

The use of google project hosting and svn helped alleviate that problem. If I want to take a look at someone elses project and make some changes that I think will improve the robot I can checkout the project, make the changes, and commit those changes.

I used TortoiseSVN which was a little confusing at first because there is no main application that starts up, and instead runs from Windows explorer. I also had some problems with adding as a discussion list member in my robocode-kks-counterall-discuss group. I still am unsure about how it works.


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