Monday, February 1, 2010

Kukui Cup Competition: A milestone is near

Over the past week the Design Group has broken off into two groups to work on mockups for the competition website. I worked with Scott and John and we came up with a two site design where there is a public section that is a general energy information site and a competition site for students involved in the competition. I really enjoyed working in these smaller groups because it was more flexible and easier to propose new ideas. The hour meeting we had passed by in a flash. Here are our mockups.

The first milestone of our Kukui Cup Competition Design is in one week and our team is coming to grips with what we will have at this deadline. Since the project is so broad with many different aspects of the competition to work on, each member of our group was assigned to a task.

I am in charge of the Focus Group. We need to meet with the Resident Advisers to get their opinion about the competition and get a better perspective on the students, the dorms, and the dorm meetings. I created a wiki page listing the aspects we need to cover in the meeting, the questions to ask, and different ways of presenting the information and questions.

I will be meeting with Shannah who has experience holding focus groups to get a better understanding of how they are run. By the first milestone I will hope to have a concrete list of topics, questions, and ways of presenting all of this at the meeting with the RAs. I will also be presenting our final mockups that Anthony and Scott creates (whichever design we choose), energy literacy information that John creates, and the charts/graphs that will display the energy information which Wing will create. I will also be helping my teammates in any way they help (most likely John and Scott since we already broke up into that team) since this a team effort.


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