Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Robocode: Test, test, test

Download: CounterAll + jUnit tests
Improving on my previous robot CounterAll from my previous posts I added 6 new jUnit tests. There are 3 different types of tests: acceptance tests, behavioral tests, and unit tests.

The acceptance tests were the easiest to create because all they tested was whether or not my robot beat another robot. On the other hand, I think behavioral tests were the hardest because most of the time they required the use of other methods and classes from within robocode such as the BattlefieldSpecification class. I also had to refactor my code for my unit test which calculates the power the robot shoots at.
Although it was a pain to change my code in order to better test it, I think it improved my code and helped it follow the rule of having small simple methods.

Although I did create these tests it doesn't mean that my robot is completely of good quality. I did try to write tests that ensured the robot accomplished the behaviors it was intended to do. However, that doesn't mean it will beat every robot. Also if I did not provide varying and a thorough amount of parameters to test for, the test itself wouldn't ensure accuracy.
I also ran Emma to view a coverage report of my tests. I was surprised to see how low the coverage was for the class percentage, only 67%. The method, line, and block coverage were more reassuring with above 80%.

1 comment:

  1. Implementing classes for testing is difficult stuff, but necessary for any serious modern system. Bear in mind that what you do now, is integration test of your robot _and_ Robocode engine. Think about breaking your robots into components and test them without robocode. Just the component, that would be the unit test.
